Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey dudeesss

Hey guys , so holidays gonna finish .
Yeah , time do fly sevany .
So , how's your holidays ?
Well , mine is , okaay . lalalaaaa
Okay , sapa siap maths yang cikgu bagi tu ? =D
Cause i haven't finish that work -____- MALAASSS !

Sincerely ,

Saturday, August 29, 2009


YO EVERYONE! How's holidays!?
Sigh i'm sure everyone noticed that holidays' are almost over. time really flies eh.

Btw my purpose of posting here,reasons are a few. Like the previous posts, Its my duty to contribute in order to keep our blog alive lol. But the main purpose is because i remade my blog, its the same account but the blog address is different, so check it out! Here, Ren's +)
Don't forget to link me yea, remind me in case i forgotten to link you guys too!

Its quite empty because i did it in one day and don't really have topics to post about.
Allright thats all for today. Happy advance Merderka! Celebrate! w00t! ahhha. This should be the shortest post from me in this blog, hope you all don't mind. haha See you guys on tuesday! +)


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hot News

So , Cik Chai confirmed died because of H1N1 .
Sorry Amirul , but it has been confirmed .
Btw , Rest In Piece Cik Chai .

Proof :

Reporting ,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Since you guys haven't post for 3 days , let me post some craps in this blog .
You guys know Powerpuff Girls ? Of Course you guys do right ?!
So , I just wanted to post a video , of them , really really nice . Enjoy ;D

I love this vid . =D


Saturday, August 22, 2009

pump up the party

HEY EVERYONNEEE :) well the blog sure is dull nowadays . i think its cause everyone's busy with 'stuff' . haha . anyways the holidays started one day early due to the high number of absence in the school morning and evening . so the fasting month has just started today at 5.50 am which sucks cause now we cant eat till 7 pm . i think 0.0 so to all muslim finnixeans and also others , happy fasting !

ANYWAYS , i just read amirul's post which was about the kgt project ? yeah how happy am i that i can send it over after the holidays . so how are all of you ? come on people atleast a post a day . lets make the blog more alive than ever . not boring like all the other class' blog (no offence hua hua) .

so i just read my OLD facebook messages and there was one from lesley , 2E . she said jia wei is hot 0.0 WOKAY WEIRD .


i really miss you guys . well keep posting . loadsa love , tasha

Friday, August 21, 2009

Send it on , On and on .

Hello .
Long time no see ? School holidays started like today which was earlier than expected . Don't we usually say good-byes , happy holidays , see you and blablabla . They should make greeting cards for us kids during this seasonal holiday . HAHA ! Yeah , that's some lame joke -.-
Haih , missing the class jokers to make a decent joke that could literally be laughed at . Heh , our class is awesome . With the greatest people in it . I MISS YOU GUYS !

Had the most stupid conversation with kong hui :

emiliaaaaaa :] says:
i'm bored
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
do something amusing
kong hui says:
kong hui says:
what is one plus one?
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
kong hui says:
kong hui says:
loser! (making L shape with my fingers)
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
then, what's the specific answer ?
kong hui says:
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
i thought it was gonna be some trick question -.-
kong hui says:
kong hui says:
thats the point
kong hui says:
emiliaaaaaa :] says:
dumbass -.-
* Conversation ended there due to my dumb internet connection problem .

See what I mean by a decent joke ? Well , at least that kept me amused for like what , 15 seconds ? I don't know . I need to laugh at something . Come on guys , work your funny bone . Make the ultimate stupid down right hardcore funny joke and post in it the blog . Till then .
Happy Holidays & Happy Fasting : )

emilia erwina .

We still alive

break my record if you can
i hope bash not cry because we not have any new post
But We Still Alive
Peringatan kalau bosan post la benda yg menarik dlm otak anda jgn sampai terkeluar pulak otak anda,


come one

Guys , please keep the blog ALIVE !
Post something ! SOMETHING !
Bukak blog , post sama je -_- BORING !
So , think of something to post dudeeee !
Keep it ALIVE ! Understand ? ALIVE !

by - Basyir The GREAT

Thursday, August 20, 2009

School Free From H1N1

Hi 2 Finnix,
ok how to start ha
ok la I start like this
I so sorry if I post this in BM because my english not so good,
I hope 2 finnix will happy



aku rasa dia ada something wrong,
sbb masa aku pegi sekolah pn vejaya kata x ada H1N1
dia kata cikgu yg mati tu -H1N1 dia mati normal je
aku pegi sekolah hari ni & cuma 4 org je dtg


& aku ada 2 goood news
first esok dah mula cuti & KGT boleh hantar lepas cuti

Ini kata2 daripada vijaya oh lupa Pn vijaya
sekolah kita cuti sbb desakan ibu bapa atuk & nenek serta binatang perliharaan
dan sbb2 yg lain yg di rahsiakan oleh saya (PN VIJAYA)

aku rasa ini je la malas dah la aku nak tulis,




Wednesday, August 19, 2009

of new people =D

So , there's 3 new students i guess in the class ?

Aliva Natasha , Sharthynee , and Tan Suan Ren.
Welcome guys ! except sharthynee , she's lame =D

Oh and today , school's closed . A teacher passed away cause of H1N1 .
Morning teacher actually . Yeaaaaah , right , drink a lot of water
said the NEW pengetua . heh heh .

okaay , so long , goodbye - Basyir®

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Class Photos

Hellooo people of earth and beyond ! :D

Class today was freakishly funny. With people like Kong Hui and Shaamen, there's no stopping from laughing your ass off :P They had an assembly today. And suprisingly, it was bearabl
e.We all really hyper, especially during the Merdeka songs. People even started waving their H1N1 masks -.-. Oh and me and Emilia messed with Kong Hui too. Taking his bag and hiding it never gets old :P HAHA, you should have seen the look on his face ! Priceless !

Oh and we got our class photos today :


Formal Style


Informal Style
Informal Style

That's us :) Well everyone except me and Kai Ying who didn't go on that day. Oh well.
But I must say, the pictures looked better than last year. Ahh, we've grown up so much ! ;D

That's all for now. Shevaanni :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

it ends tonight

Hey peeps , regardless whether you care or not i still am gonna spray it .

HEY MYSTERIOUS AVENGER , you might want to think twice of being some fool in some fullish so-called invisible costume . i do agree with the rest of the class , spreading insults about the other classmates does not make you cool / hippie . i think it just makes you quite tacky . and i am sorry asha but i kind of disagree with you . theres a very simple explanation , his insults arent funny . they are hurtful eventhough he has not done anything to me but he has to my friends .

moving on , you have spiced up the mood here in this blog . But you have tested our patience , not to mention guan ren's . he seems pretty furious about your very childish behaviour . a word from the wise , grow up . (HAHAHA IM SO NOT WISE) anyways whatever game your planning out isnt much fun . i think your acting like an utter moron . whether you like it or not , i think it would be very nice of you to reveal your identity . we wont bite / yell / scream /scratch you . we just want a peace of mind .


oh and i think , no wait i know , you have to apologize a tad bit more to those you've hurt . especially if he/she is one of your bestfriends . come on you have heard of kiss and make up right ? now we dont want to cause any inconvinience right ? i know i dont . im just trying to settle things up .

peace out home dog :) -tasha


Alright guys , so this is regarding The Mysterious Avenger.

I think I agree with him. Were all pretty excited to unmask this stranger ; and definitely , this is spicing things up and giving a hint of adventure. But to the Avenger , can you please give some hints?From my point of view, this is practically just a game but with an unknown person giving insults to our beloved classmates. And also, your insults are quite funny but please think of other peoples feelings when you type. Keep it light, alright ? (:


Saturday, August 15, 2009

To the 2 finnix's dear Mysterious Avenger.

TO The Mysterious Avenger. Dude, do you think you're funny?
At first it may seem interesting, trying to seek you out,but enough is enough.
You're in secondary school already, 14 years old, whoever you may be.
What kind of child's behavior is that?
You're merely wasting people's time, not only us you know, yes you.
You can seriously reconsider and plan your activity and do something which is MORE PRODUCTIVE instead of going to your class's blog and say HI IM THE MYSTERIOUS AVENGER, FEAR ME RAWR!

'If there is something to spice up this blog,it would have to be a mystery, a rogue writer, who can blog anything he wants and not face the consequences. Thats where I come in'
What the hell, is this? ^ utter bullshit. You think you're some kind of superhero? What a sad excuse for the Finnixians, GET REAL, seriously. You think your identity won't get exposed by us? Well it doesn't matter whether we do or not, because YOU'RE PLAIN WORTHLESS HERE. Put a stop in this, for the sake of yourself, well i think you're definitely TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.

Serious shit. Our blog does NOT need your existance. If you think your presence can spice up our blog or whatever shit, think again. How about telling us about some interesting events and stories instead of hiding like a hermit and acting like a fool.

If you don't learn, this shows that your stupidity have reached a point of no return, congratz ;)
OR feeling remorse? Don't just come and say CHILL or some stupid shit.
I'm serious. This is for yourself. Don't make a fool out of yourself.


you're annoying , you know that -.-

hey guys , i've been skipping school for 2 days now . i'll be back on monday : ) yeah , i know you miss me . HAHA , just kidding . Congratulations for the class record of 20 absenties and 20 class presence ? Heh , i don't know what else to say . I SKIPPED SCHOOL BECAUSE I WAS SICK ! ( Way to point out the obvious , dude -.- ) To all other finnixeans that are sick , get well soon . Amy came to my house Friday , we did the geo folio thing which was such a waste of time -.- ' Luckily , we're smart people and dropped the folio , said au revoir / sayonara / bubbbye to it and started goofing off . YAAAAAAAAAAY !
Oh fyi ' mystyrious avenger ' , i'm not the one that's been drooling over Furqan -.- Its no big deal really , i can just change the post whenever i waaant !
Btw , whose the one that's been updating about finding the mysterious avenger thing ? Enter your name please . We don't need another mysterious blogger around . One more thing , what's with the broken english ? No offence :)

emilia erwina .

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pro attendance

Our class has an attendance of 20 people. 8D
Seriously, it's something to be proud of.
Meanwhile you people can go to this website.
Helping Africans as Eugene told Emilia, and Emilia told me.
Please dont destroy this blog lol.
Who's going to school tmr? (:
Im not with Aaron thanks.
I have my eyes on someone else ady. 8D
Sorry. SS. -____-

Who am I?

Dear Finnixlings,

It has been such a long time,since I have posted my second post here,many things have happened when I was gone, the FCI was established, and the hunt for me has started.Violently. I sincerely do not think there is a prize if anyone manages to figure out who am I as I, said before and will now repeat is too dangerous for me to reveal my true identity. It is like to require Basyir to come out of the ''closet'' (if you know what I mean),to ask Emilia to stop drooling over Furqan,to tell Kai Ying to stop flirting with girls, and so many more.

I will not protest that people are wrong to go around to find who's The Mysterious Avenger, but, the thing is, I AM The Mysterious Avenger,and mind the Mysterious.I can't be found THAT easily rite?If there is something to spice up this blog,it would have to be a mystery, a rogue writer, who can blog anything he wants and not face the consequences. Thats where I come in.

I want to apologize if I have offended anyone in my last post,and besides,it is just a post,nothing else,and no one knows the future right?(remember the Basyir and Safiyan thing?Read the first post by The Avenger, first paragraph) *wink wink* With this,I will confirm that I might be anyone,not just your main suspects,I am still at large,and I honestly think that no one can ever expose who am I,ever.You can try, but you can never succeed. For now, my friends, goodbye.

The Mysterious Avenger.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


HEY , all finnixeans out there . please , i created this blog if you have changed the password do inform me . its quite rude to just simply change the password without informing me because almost everyone cant sign in . so a reminder to everyone , DO INFORM ME ALRIGHT ? -.-


the class pohpoh finally "here"!!

i am the class pohpoh ..... mind not the class joker! hmmm.... what to talk about..... i have a song made for me... no one needs to know.... welll..... currently theres a war between wills in class. to be honest one side is being blackmailed to quit but that side is not quiting yet.... anyone who wants a full story must wait cause THE WAR IS NOT OVERRRR!!!!!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Case Closed : The Avenger

Officially done by me, Aliya Natasha :D



OKAY SO HEY EVERYONE :-) so about the mysterious avenger . defo , kong hui . KONG HUI THANKS A WHOLE LOT FOR ACCUSING ME WHEN ITS SO OBVIOUS THAT ITS YOU DUH ! hah -.- anyways obvie , its kong hui . anyhow today we've done a lot of investigation .

so heres an update for the day . this is the investigation sheet :


suspects :
1) emilia
2) kong hui
3) eugene

evidance :
emilia - she gave a really strong story and she wasnt near the blog on crime date
kong hui - nope very fake story AND was hypervantilating when talking
eugene - HAHA we dont even know why we picked him as a suspect .

the accussed :

paper work by

so i hope everyone's happy now we know the guy who's definitely caught red-handed . HAH KONG HUI YOUR DEAD . anyways i was thinking of bringing my camera anytime this year to get some pictures . haha anyways gotta scat . tara :)



Hey guys , this is my 1st ever post , in blog thingy .
I think I found out who the Mysterious Avenger is .
As you can see , we have soo many suspects here .
I really really suspect , it is Kong Hui .
You know why ?
Let me tell you guys why is suspect it's Kong Hui .
Firstly(ceh , macam karangan laa pulak ;P) ,
Kong Hui usually use the word , "like" like ,
in like bla bla bla .
Then , Kong Hui always say things about me .
He said I'm gay and committed with safiyan . -_-
Next , he ALWAYS use the word 'kids' .
I often hear he says that word . Seriously .
He likes to use the word like Easy Peasy , etc , and make
something funny about it .
Kong Hui is always happy , and says the word Yayy !
You guys knew it right ? Then he said I wrote all those stuffs -_-
dammit kong hui ! oh and , i rarely use the thing *winkwink
Okaay , i guess that's all .
I hope you guys think this is right .
okaay then .

So long ,


Pictures from 2008 ; I think we've grown up so much over the past year, don't you all ?


The Awesome Number 8 Of Awesomeness.

HEY!! Awesome day for awesome people =DD!
I'm Guan btw. I changed the title already, notice the word 'juvanile' ? Spelling type so i changed to juvenile. I'm sorry if you guys purposely wanted to spell it wrongly or something, you may change it back and may flame me ): .
I think we should upload some pictures..? Well some says Pictures describes a thousand of words.. so yeah.

Hmm but we should really be careful, i mean there some stupid geek outside there reading our blog and might report to BBI if we brought cameras or something that is illegal to the school. We'll never know.. i guess.

One more, i don't have a blog,actually i do have one, but i don't update it, its like an access for my other friends' blog which are privated, so don't link me thanks, (: this is the one > .

Sigh im so tired. I just came back from school yesterday afternoon. I had a PRS camp, i slept in school. Dammit. But it was really fun though. You all should join the Counselling club, its really cool ! The funny part was, during the first day of camp which was saturday, during my rest time after lunch which was 1 or 2. I went to toilet and i met aloy there, I wasn't really expecting anyone but heck i met my good old' fat friend in my camp. Seems that he came with Andrew and Wei Jie from 2 Oracle to their basketball training but it was canceled, too bad ! ;) It isn't my fault that you're not aware. lol.

Total of 40 participants showed up,more or less. I was suprised , a week before, it was roughly only 10 participants. So i dragged Desmond and Aaron (sorry if you both think the camp was pure wastage of time) along with me, heheh. Damn kong, for taking back your word. And Guess what, the 3 friends got seperated when it was time to form the groups.
I got.. into a group of 7 GIRLS, 1 Guy. *palms on face . They were, Natalie Yap,Khor Wei Jun,Amanda Goh,Xin Vee,one form 1 girl (SORRY NAME OMG), and my group's dear facilitator,Phui Yee. They appointed me as leader but i just went on with it. But Honestly i didn't regret or wanted to change group, maybe it's because i know them all along. One thing i have to praise my group, these girls,are awesome,outstanding,wise,and pro. lol. They really are supportive,cooperative,wise during making decisions. They often talk to me during meal time or even during games time. My group's colour was yellow, and each leader are given a short cloth to hang on to your shirt, awesome! But strangely they didn't have a cloth which was yellow in colour, so i took sliver instead. =.= Right, i'll talk about my camp next time, it really was an awesome camp, i never expected that much, but it turned out great, i didn't regret signing up for the camp and becoming leader of 7 girls. lol

I apologize if my post was dull, boring or even utter nonsense, just wanted to contribute in our awesome Finnix awesome Class, haha right. Alright that's all for today, See you. (:

~From Guan To Awesome Finnixeans/Finnixers/Finnixlings/Finnixians or what-so-ever lol, and even Outsiders are welcomed to read!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lucky 7 !!!

lol. or if u might prefer 7-eleven ? haha. xD. just wanna say that i think it's really good to make a blog for the class. UPDATE SOURCE !! EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE CLASS FOR A CENTURY !! haha. =D.
actually. i dont have a lot of things that i wanna type to post. but, what ky said, i shall not spam. lol. so, im continueing. N.E. ways, our class had all passed our BM paper !!! clap your hands ! (is it bm ?) =).
another thing, our class is the COOLEST CLASS EVER !! whee-whit ! lol. lame. i noe. but hey. that was from the bottom of my heart. haha. xD.
Hari Kemerdekaan's coming up. who's coming n who's not? and any idea to win the march-n-show-what's-special-in-your-class-costumes that's held before everything start?(that was a long one.=s)
gotta finish it up at here. duno still got what to type. so ta-ta!

Numbah 6!

Hey dudes and dudets out there!This blog may be read,in like 20-30 years,when,for example, Hashvin is married to Shevanni,Kai Ying is with Aaron, Shaamen's finally a wrestler,and Basyir finds out that he is gay and is commited to Safiyan.And during that time,we'll all..probably going to cry,most probably to the good times,.Time flies,kids,put that in your teeny head there.

This blog can be used to update the Finnixeans(I think Finnixers is better,or even the Finnixlings..yeah)on anything new that is in the class,like the latest rumour,etc. Anythings good,and I guess,as long as you are a Finnixer,you..can post something! Easy Peasy!

I am The Mysterious Avenger,and I AM in 2 Finnix,I cannot reveal my true identity,as it will bring danger to me and my family...and I might be wanted for the nature of things that I'm writing...Oh well,just to tell you guys,that I am a guy,and i am the 1st dude ever,to post a blog in this cosy bloggie.Yayy!I might just be Basyir,you'll never know*wink wink*

So yeah,we mean buisness.We are Finnixers and together..for the rest of this year and the next,we are going to be stuck with each other in hell,and lets just make the best of it. Bye.

The Mysterious Avenger

5th post of the day:)

oh well our finnix claz rocks hard!!!
when is year end exam?hope it'll over coz we're planning to have finnix's 2nd gatherin at...(sunway?1 utama?)
good news:our class have a new smart ass-which is emelyna a.k.a amy.she's smart like eugene lol:)another smarty pants is comin-which is jiawei...he gt the highest for maths:)unbelievable

old smart ass:kar yan,yi san
wow i wonder how their brains work man...they're certainly smart^^
bad news:our class turned to be the dirtiest class of the whole what natasha said.

oh well our classmates including me do look naughty sometimes...making shevaanni(a.k.a sesavy,sevani,thiivani,thiibani,etc.) screaming here and there:) OH MY GOSH!

One time pn.maliga ask those who duty on monday quickly go up and clean the class..and perhimpunan's going to start.she's making us not to go PJ on the following week.:( jia wei-a.k.a ketua kebersihan quickly ran up to the class..the way he ran looked very funny(no offense)

p.s:oh my gosh is sevany n mine's 'invention',alamak is amy's 'invention' ,eh is natasha's,and 'yaaa'is emilia' we made it into a song lol.

by:most popular 1-Angelin-(jk)

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Hey guys :) It has come to my notice that some people are talking bad about the teachers and students on the blog, and just a reminding note ; Please try to refrain yourself from doing so, as the people you are talking about might stumble upon this blog, and pretty much, everyone who's in this thing will get in trouble.

No, I don't own this blog, but this is just as a precaution, or you can put it as safety measurements. It will be much appreciated if all the bad talking can be erased from this blog a.s.a.p. This is also to the people who are thinking of doing the same mistake in the future.

Please don't take this much to heart, this is for everyone's own good (:


Friday, August 7, 2009

Kai Ying here. =D

I dont know what to write. -_-
End of post.
Okay, I shall not spam.
I have to agree with Natasha omg.
JiaWei keeps on calling me to lap tingkap. ):
My mind is seriously blank now.
Congratulations on those people who did well in test. =D
Example :
Who told me she wasn't gonna study hard for this test.
And was gonna teman me to die in test.
But end up getting good results.
Well, anyways, congrats to you. (:
And other smarty pants in this class. ;D
I still cant get over the fact that JiaWei beat our whole class in Maths. Did I hear wrong or was Pn. Maliga joking, OR WAS SHE SERIOUS? O.O
Okay, I'm gonna go blog in my own blog now. =D
Finnix, during year end hols.
Can find one day, when almost everyone is free so that we can go Sunway or something.
We'd take pic. =D
End of post.
Gniy Iak Hot. (:
PS: Finnixians, can I have ur blog links? (:


HEY DUUUUUUUUUUDES . This will be the second post for the day , from a different person that is . So , continuing the 'INCIDENTS' from before cause' maybe Tasha forgot some of it . We actually made a 'rangka' during rolecall in school :)

Btw , to all you people that own a class blog just like us , we started the whole thing first . Not to be rude but you can't deny the fact . Click here for your proof if you're not satisfied ( I come in peace :) )

INCIDENT #5-Puan Norhasyida leaving
I bet all of us are still upset about her leaving ( maybe , maybe not ? ) She is nice eventhough she sort of threatens to minus exam marks if we don't do our peka , homework etc . What a bummer . We lost an extremely good science teacher on that day , boohoo

INCIDENT #6-We're in the same class again !
We're all gonna be in the same class again ! I guess . Since there's no streaming next year . Yay , another year with the best classmates ever ! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY ! Dude , get a grip with yourself -.-

FYI , IF YOU NOTICED IN THE LAST FINNIX BLOG THE LAST LANGUAGE I USE WAS SORT OF 'BLECCCHK' . My english improve tremendously , 'how are you?' , 'thank you' .


See ya Monday , Finnixians !

emilia erwina .


hey hola hello hi au revoir aloha ,

This is tasha representing a student from 2 finnix of 2009 . So I made a new blog for the class just cause . hahaha well no not really . I made a new blog cause i kinda forgot the password and email for the old one . we had one last year but yeah like i said , we're all forgetful people and to say we're only fourteen . so here goes ..

INCIDENT #1 - the class being dirty and got called out for a long 'ceramah'
okay so our class has been nominated most likely to be one of the dirtiest class in all of form 2 . you know why ? let me tell you why . the reason is because we have a really short annoying leader of cleanliness which is *drum rolls please* JIA WEI ! yes , jia wei . haha he is very annoying . one day one of us will post a picture of him then you will see . you may ask yourself ' is he fourteen or four ? ' enough about this . moving on .

INCIDENT #2 - teachers walking out on us .
YES , I am way waaaayy beyond serious . two teachers have walked out on us -- IN A WEEK ! how awesome are we ? haha . so like the teachers are puan - and puan - . puan - teaches us * and puan - teaches us * . so um yeah they just couldnt stand our snobby attitude hah -.-

INCIDENT #3 - prank of the year
you may be guessing what prank did we all pull . well the pranksters consists of emilia , amy and me myself . we fooled the whole class stating that emilia will be going to kedah to shift house and yes , school . everyone was thrilled .. NOT ! haha to convince everyone , we did it on a friday and we made cards ; "remember us" cards . so when it came to monday everyone was like " oh man emilia isnt gonna come " well they were all wrong , SHE DID HAHA LOSERS .

INCIDENT #4 - black mamba -.-
black mamba is , *horns blowing* GHARTHYNEE ! gosh i think the whole class is having a riot , like over her ? we all hate her for one reason : kaki report . okay she reported on all of us . you know why ? okay heres the story :
once upon a time , there lived a .. okay cut the crap tasha -.- AS I WAS SAYYING , some punk wrote on hashvin's table stating that hashvin loves gharthynee which is so not true ! okay so then she got mad ? for some lame reason i dont know why -____- and she started throwing stuff at us ? aaah shes got mentally ill , MIND HER . then she complained saying that we threw stuff at her . how lame is that ? wuss -.- anyhow , we all got mad and - said that our class is most likely nominated as naughtiest class in form 2 . yay -- not . so this means we hate her hah !

INCIDENT #5 - i forgot what incident # 5 is .
anyways i'll start with today . we got our test results . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! aaah i am a bit dissapointed and happy all at the same time . well angelin made a new song . wanna see the lyrics ? sure thing .

ohmygosh eh alamaak dont deny it dont deny it yeeee eee ? HAHA
you will laugh when you actually hear her singing it . anyways i think this is a really long post . so i think i'll blog in some other time . till then ttfn !